Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pure, Unabashed Bribery

After much research and talking with other parents, it was agreed that the best way to get Jack on board with the overall idea of having a little brother was to have Nathan "get" Jack the best present ever. We're not ashamed... it worked perfectly! And now he LOVES Baby Nathan!

A "nice" John Deere tractor!

A John Deere loader-bucket pedal compact-tractor with working bucket and a functional roll-bar! Oh yeah!

Wow- that didn't take very long...

How we really sold Jack on this was that Nathan had bought Jack a tractor just like Granddaddy's. Below is the real deal:

...But for some reason he kept wanting it on its side. He kept insisting, "Just like Granddaddy's!" Here's the final push that got it all the way over.


Oh... that's why he wanted it on its side.
(This all may have something to do with the fact that this picture is his Grammy's screensaver on her computer and he sees it all the time.)

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