Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nathan Michael McGuire

Nathan was born on 9/13/2011 at 9:08pm weighing 7lbs. 1oz. and 20in. long.

 Waiting for the induction juice to kick in. (Notice she's still smiling!)

 Right after he was born.

 Imagine our surprise when he was a whole pound less than Jack!

 He was not quite sure about all this "being born" nonsense.

 "Hey Mom!"

 "What planet am I on?"

 Ryan, Amy and Nathan.

 Checking out his newest boy.

 Proud Daddy and Nathan.

 Another amazing delivery with Dr. Thomas!

Nathan on his first day here. It's amazing how much Nathan looks like Jack when he was first born!


NickandKatieAdams said...

He is adorable and Amy, you look great! Sounds like it was a fast delivery.

Jess said...

Congrats Amy & boys! So happy for you and all that is ahead for the brothers.