Friday, September 23, 2011

9/23 Update

Nathan is 1 1/2 weeks old and doing great!  While we aren't getting all that much sleep (2 hour increments at night) we are still happy and having fun with our new addition.  Here are some pics from the last week.

 Some "brother time" on the floor.

 I feel like they are ganging up on me already!

 Copying Daddy's faces.

 My good friend Alyssa came by to visit and meet Nathan.

 Jack loved her cookies! Check out those chipmunk cheeks full.

Nathan all dressed up for Susie Phillips' birthday party.

1 comment:

Dishers said...

Congrats guys! He is just adorable and looks like it's been a seamless transition! Hang in there- the sleep does return- but is quickly lost again by planning what you are going to do about that "gang up on" plotting they have already started! Know we don't talk often but we think of you often! Love, the Disher 5