Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Other Mommy"

Even though Jack is getting pretty old now, we still like to have a monitor for him at night because his room is on the other side of the house and you just can't hear anything behind the few closed doors. Plus he tends to be naughty when he thinks nobody is watching!

With Nathan to arrive any day now, Amy found a new monitor system that is incredible! It can handle multiple cameras so we can toggle back and forth between the boys' rooms and it automatically goes to the room with any noise happening in it. If that isn't cool enough for you, we can zoom in and out and also pan back and forth and up and down from the remote. And if that still isn't cool enough for you, we can hit a button and talk to the kids through it!!!

"Hey! Knock it off!"

Well, we tried it out Friday night and it didn't disappoint. When Jack went to bed, we told him to get back in bed (several times) and when he woke up we got to stay in bed and tell him to just play in his room for a while. We had a full conversation and it worked very well. That bought us a full half-hour of extra snooze time!

We were completely satisfied with this purchase until the unexpected happened...

Later that morning, Jack wanted desperately to play a garbage truck game on Amy's phone. She told him no, so he said, "Okay, I ask other Mommy" and -no joke- he went into his room, looked up at the camera, and said, "Hi Mommy! I need to play garbage trucks on the phone. Okay, Mommy? Okay?"

Amy tried to explain that she was actually Other Mommy, but Jack wouldn't hear of it. He just shook his head and insisted, "No. I ask Other Mommy."

Fortunately, Mommy and Other Mommy tend to think alike with their responses to Jack!

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