Thursday, August 6, 2009

Santa Cruz, Dude!

Jack's first trip to a sandy, California beach was at the end of July. We were thrilled to be invited to Santa Cruz by Doug and Ann Phillips (Jack's Godparents) and stay in Ann's mom's beach-palace. I think it had been something ridiculous like 18 days straight over 100 degrees in Fresno with over 110 being pretty common. We prefer Santa Cruz weather!!
Although it was not documented on film, Jack did his first official and unassisted roll-over on the beach. Not too bad for under four months!

Jack wasn't too sure about the whole sand thing at first... until he ate some and got to root around in it for a while. Then he loved it!!!

Happy as a clam on the beach!

Ann (the one waving) ran in the "wharf to wharf" mini-marathon that weekend. We all thought she was crazy and decided it made more sense to sit on the deck and drink mimosas instead! She has been training for a year to run in a full marathon (26.2 miles!) this fall to raise money for cancer research. Please check out her website and you can make arrangements for her to run a mile in honor or in memory of a cancer fighter. She is going to have all the names temporarily tattooed to her arms so they can be with her. She will be running the 6th mile for Jack's Great-Grandfather, Ward Lawler. Here is the link:


PhillipsFamily said...

SWEET!!! Thanks for the shout out to my running website- you guys are awesome!
xoxo to Jack, Godmama

PhillipsFamily said...

If you don't live in Santa Cruz, don't roll over in Santa Cruz!

Love, GodWeasel