Sunday, March 4, 2012

Thursday Night Fun

Nobody was sure where Jack had managed to find sugar the other night, but he was WOUND UP! Here are just some of the highlights from the evening's festivities!

Jack learned this song at his preschool and sings it constantly. Usually his performances don't involve quite so much spinning and running, but I suppose that's just the mystery-sugar at work.

 It seemed like a good time to finally show Jack the trick of making it look like you've had your arm cut off. He thought it was hysterical!

 Look at that nub!

 Checking to make sure it's actually gone.

 Only cool people have a cut-off arm!

 At some point in the night, Jack decided to lose his shirt and then kept crawling through "the hole." I guess his clothes kept getting in the way because he finally yanked everything off. Look carefully at the picture below:

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