Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day '09

For the past several years, we have spent Thanksgiving with good family friends, the Jacobsens. This year, being Jack's first shot at real turkey, was an extra-special event!

Vegetables will be served at Thanksgiving? Yuck! I thought it was all just going to be turkey!

Scott (who was very jealsous of Jack's sweater-vest) explaining the finer points of how the turkeys were cooked and, more importantly, that there were two barbequed turkeys this year!

Two turkeys?!

Oh man, that's a lot of turkey...

OK- I think I can do it! Those turkeys don't stand a chance!

After all the turkey-feasting, Jack sat down to eat some sweet potatoes, but decided it would be way more fun to just squeeze them between his fingers.

Walking off all that food.

Ready for bed with Grammy

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