Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Carlsons Come for Easter!

Did someone say... Easter Bunny?!?

 At least the kids are looking at the camera...

Gramps made it into the bounce house!

 Before banking, his previous career was in the WWF!

 We managed to stall Jack on the egg-hunt until 6:30 A.M. We were pretty happy with that because he was ready to go at 5:00! (Notice it's still pretty dark outside.)

Got one!!!

Nathan didn't care so much about the eggs...

 ...but REALLY liked his basket!

 Curse you, Easter Bunny!!!

 It doesn't get much cooler than this!

 Maybe one of my all-time favorite pictures!

 Nathan got a funny little stuffed animal. "It feels weird!"

 He just didn't know quite what to think of this bunny rabbit!

 Playing garbage trucks.

 "Dump it again, Dad!"

Jack dropped a wrench on his toe and has been milking his owie for weeks, showing anyone who will look. I thought I'd share it with everyone here, too!

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