Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Hunt (or lack there of)

We took Jack to his first official Easter Egg Hunt today.  Our neighbor is very involved in her Church and they do a GIANT hunt / party for the kids each year.  There were hundreds of kids there to hunt eggs, play games, get their faces painted and ride on the train!

The hunt itself wasn't very successful.  In a field full of hundreds of eggs (all for the 0-2 year olds only) Jack wasn't able to pick up a single egg.  The amount of greed displayed at an event meant to celebrate Jesus was disgusting.  We saw parents pushing other parents (and kids) and many of the adults were grabbing every single egg they could and didn't even have their children with them.  One very generous parent who saw that Jack was searching for even one egg, donated one of her child's eggs (that poor kid only had 3).  We put it in the grass so he could find it and put it in his basket himself.  So I guess there was a representation of Jesus at the event after all, but it doesn't leave much hope for most of humanity.  I'll get off my soap box now because the real fun of the event for Jack was getting to see a real fire truck and ride on a train!

Can't you see him as a future fireman?

Riding on the train was the best part of the day!

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