Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!  Jack is happy to report that the Easter Bunny made a stop by our house early this morning!
"Look, an egg!"

"Check out all my loot, Mom!"

"I'm not sure any more eggs are gonna fit!!!"

"Ha! He hid one in my sandbox."

"This is awesome!"

"Check it out"

Once the egg hunting was over we moved to the front yard to look for the rumored Easter Basket that might contain special gifts. The following pictures and video document the actual reaction Jack had to the basket. It took us 15 minutes for him to even go near it. Not because he was scared or didn't like it. You see, Jack is in love with Jessie from Toy Story. When I say he is in love, I mean he is IN LOVE!!!!! Anytime he sees Jessie on the movie he throws himself around the room and holds his tummy. He smiles the smile of a man in love when you talk about her. The Easter Basket contained Jack's very own Jessie doll (OK, Ryan, "action figure") in it!!!
First realizing Jessie was in the basket.

"My tummy, my tummy!"

A boy in love.

Now let's open some eggs.  He loved the big eggs with matchbox cars in them.

...but nothing compared to the eggs with CANDY!!!

Nothing like chocolate in the morning- breakfast of champions!

"Mini Bulldozer!"

I bet the Easter Bunny is rethinking putting a sword in his basket now!

Jack and all his pals.

This is what happens when the sugar wears off.  Even Jessie couldn't make it out before the callapse.

Jack and his gal.

For all those Carlson's out there... Ryan has perfected the art of the Swedish Pancake so that we can have a proper Easter down here in CA.

Iron Chef Ryan.

Getting ready for the all important flip.


Thanks, Dad, for an awesome breakfast!

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