Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jack's "Girlfriend"

"Flo" the Fan
Jack's first love-of-his-life appears to be... well, his ceiling fan. Now affectionately called "Flo", he stares at her constantly and it doesn't seem to matter if she's turned on or not. Even when eating, he strains his head to make sure she is always within his sight. He will quite often look at her and smile and laugh and then turn his head away in a very flirtatious manner. This has been going on for weeks now, so this is clearly not just coincidence. As a responsible father, I have already set the rule that the two of them cannot be in his room together with the door closed!


The Kendall Family said...

John wants to know if Flo is related to Reggie??

Jess said...

Wonder if this will be a summer fling then? Tell Amy we have had similar love connections with fireplaces. Something to think about if things cool off.