Saturday, August 17, 2013

Summer Fun

"Hi everyone.  I've been keeping my mom and dad so busy being a little monster that they haven't had time to update the blog.....sorry 'bout that!"

 Jack, Nate and Granny Franny
"Ahh - I learned a new trick..."
Of course, Gramps' Workshop made an appearance again this summer -
 Gramps teaching Jack all the tricks his new garbage truck can do.
 This is one happy boy!
 Who new garbage could look so good?!
 Nate got a ride-on truck.
 I sort of thought he'd choose a toy when Gramps told him to put his favorite thing in the back.

 Our favorite book with Gramma Jean
 "Hi - it's the little monster again.  Just popped up in the middle of this blog post to remind you of how crazy I am now!"

We had some cousin iPad time with Matty.
Fun in the sprinklers!
 Daddy even took a turn!
 That was cold
 Matty didn't want to get too close so......
Ryan helped him really get in on the action.

 Cousin Matty
 Chillin' in the pool.
 Literally chillin' - that water was freezing!
 We tried for a group hug shot - 2 out of 4 ain't bad
 Waving at Auntie TC
 These brothers are looking sharp!
 Jack learned how not to try and get out of the rope net.

Daddy to the rescue.
And now....some fun on the swings!

 Cheese brothers
 This is Nate's mad face.  Seriously, don't mess with him.

And finally, we've been having a lot of trouble with packs of wild animals roaming through the house.  Its not often I'm able to get pictures of this phenomenon but here is a rare one...
...a pair of streakers!

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