Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Chicken Rides Again!

So we were only about a month late getting the boat, The Chicken of The Sea, out on the water but better late than never!

 Nate's first trip in the boat!!

 Check out this cool dude!

 Claire and Jack. When they get married later in life, their celebrity-couple-name will be "Clack."

 It was baby Mary's first boat trip too!

 Susie and Jack clowning around.

 Having some fun on the lake.

 Yes, we did use Mary's floaty to put Nate down for a nap on the boat, what???? It actually worked really well after we built a towel-tent over him to keep the sun off.

 After much encouragement (and the bribe of frozen yogurt) we convinced Jack to go tubing - and guess what - he LOVED it!

 Some silly monkey faces to wrap up a great day.

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