Monday, May 23, 2011

Jack's Got Jokes

Jack told his first joke yesterday!

He was in his room with Amy calming down for a nap. She was explaining to him that he was going to get to go over to Grammy and Grandaddy's house for dinner after he woke up. He said, "Jack go in 'da chicken house?" (Some friends of my parents who live nearby have a chicken coop that Jack loves to visit- i.e. terrorize chickens!) Then he said, "Jack see 'da chicken poop!" (When he's in the chicken house, we try to point out where the chicken poop is so he doesn't step in it. This is rarely successful, though.)

Anyway, mention of the chicken poop caught Amy off-guard and struck her as quite funny. She started laughing pretty hard. Jack knew he was onto something good!

This is where the chicken poop evolved into Jack's first joke. If the chicken poop was funny, maybe something else's poop would be even funnier!

"Tractor poop!" he yelled, to which Amy started laughing uncontrollably at this point. Then he proclaimed, "Jack funny!"

Later that night when we asked him to tell everyone his joke, he said it again: "Tractor poop!" and then he made a funny face. The crowd loved it, much to Jack's delight! And he told his joke multiple times that evening... Professional stand-up comedy, here we come!

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