Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Reservoir Phrogs"

Amy had a business conference in San Diego, so Jack and I decided to accompany her. Despite being strapped-down in his car seat for the seven-hour drive, Jack was a trooper (as always).

On Saturday evening we met up with my cousin, Elisa, and her family who were recently relocated to Camp Pendleton from Florida. You may remember her daughter, Ellie, from an earlier post... Her husband just received a pilot's slot for the Marine's H-46 "Phrog" dual-rotor helicopter (very cool!). We got a first-rate tour of the flight line to see all the "Phrogs" along with Hueys and some wicked-looking Cobra attack helicopters. Even though the MP presence was high, we got to climb all over them and Jack even got to sit in the pilot's seat.

Amy had her presentation Sunday morning, so Jack and I went to the San Diego Zoo along with Elisa and her family. We had a great time, although Jack slept most of the time and was usually more interested in his own reflection in the glass rather than the animals. That being the case, there weren't too many opportunities for good pictures, but we did get one funny one!

A scene from the movie "Reservoir Dogs"?
One of the training "Phrogs"
Jack flying a "Phrog"
A curious orangutan at the zoo. Notice the monkey shirt, too- nice coordination, Dad!

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