Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Carlsons Are Gone :(

We just got word late last night that everyone made it back to Tacoma safely. Doug is a crazy wild man and drove it straight through (16 hours!) again- Jack clearly has too much of his DNA and is proving to be a little crazy wild man himself.

The goodbye actually wasn't as bad as we all feared it would be- I think the "super special top-secret secret" I told Jean to make her laugh every time she got sad helped a lot. (Don't ask to know the secret, nobody else gets gets to know. That's why it's a secret!)

Everyone misses "Special Gramma Jean Time" (changing the diaper)- ESPECIALLY US! We had no idea how many he was actually producing!

The weirdest change is how quiet the house is now. No more Gramma Jean and Auntie T.C. fighting over their Mah-Jong game with only one of them thinking it was funny, no more Max barking at leaves and the sky and his shadow and no more Noel tormenting Itchy the cat. Doug was never loud. I know it sounds like too much excitement, but it really was fun! Thanks for coming, guys, and please don't wait too long to come back!!

Here's a few more pictures from during their visit:

Bath time is more fun (for us) when Jack is shark-bait!

Dreaming about more milk.

1 comment:

The Kendall Family said...

I bet they are back before you know it!!! sounds like you guys had a great visit!