Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jack's Shovel

One of Jack's favorite past times is shoveling stuff.  He especially loves helping Daddy pick up dog poop in the back yard (weird!) and when he found out we were putting in some new grass by the pool he couldn't help himself.

 Jack ran the whole show letting Daddy know where to keep digging.

 Of course a good supervisor isn't afraid to get their hands dirty too.

 Showing Daddy how it should be done.

 "Mom! I'm a little busy here!!"

Unfortunately, picking up dog poop isn't the only thing Jack likes to do with his shovel.  He also LOVES digging in the flower beds.  And who doesn't love to dig the water in the fountain too?  Of course he has to stand on the flowers in order to get his shovel into the fountain, so this isn't great either.  In an attempt to save the back yard and innocent plant life, we got a sand box where the shovel is now being forced to live.

 At first he looked unsure.  He's only been to the beach a couple of times so sand is still strange.

 Then he noticed all the trucks.  We took him to Target with his birthday gift certificate to get some new pool shoes (see the bright blue Crocs) and also found these sweet sand toys!  Thanks Aunt Debbie and Uncle Mark!!

 Wondering why Daddy keeps playing with his toys.

 He spent a good hour filling his "tiny dump truck" and dumping back in.

 By the end of the day he was having a great time.

 Happy Little Crab (in case you can't see it, the sandbox is a crab).

 And here is the famous shovel again digging in his new home.

Poor Daddy - looks like all we did was create a new kind of mess :)

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