Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here Comes Santa Claus!

On Christmas morning Jack had fallen asleep on his Auntie TC. Suddenly, the front door came crashing in and a loud man dressed all in red and smelling of eggnog and reindeer came bounding in! He was exceptionally merry and his "Ho-ho-ho-ing" and jingle bells could be heard throughout the house (and three city blocks). Jack awoke with a start, and once he figured out what planet he was on, was super excited to hang out with Santa Claus! (Thanks for the photo-op, Bill!)

"Who IS this guy?!"

"This better not be phony Santa like at the mall, Dad."

"It IS Santa! Look at his bells!"

Video: "OK, Jack, give Santa his magical bells back. Really, Santa needs to go now. Jack, those are not for you to keep. Seriously, Jack!"

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