Sunday, May 24, 2015

Baseball Brothers

T-ball season is coming to a close next week but these boys have had a blast.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

First Mother's Day with my #3!

Parker was really excited to cheer on Nathan at his baseball game yesterday but then got distracted chewing on his harness... and then fell asleep.


We got Grammy a pair of turtles for her pond. They lived in our bathtub for a few days and the boys had so much fun playing (i.e. torturing) them!

Jack constantly asks completely random questions from out of nowhere. Here is a small sample of just a few from this morning:

-What color are a shark's eyes?
-Where do you buy a Venus Fly Trap?
-Why do cowboys throw their hats in the air when they are excited?
-How do you raise money for Children's Hospital?
-What does dynamite look like?

We can't keep up with this child! Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Funny Car

A woman who lives around the corner from the boys' school drops her kids off every morning in a golf cart (much to their embarrassment!). Our boys have always called it the "funny car" and love to see it! Last night she stopped and asked the boys if they wanted a ride. Best day ever!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Boys and Their Swords

Daddy bought some swords. Mommy wasn't super excited about the swords. So naturally, the boys LOVE the swords...